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Comp Season 2024 has arrived…

I’ve just received a notification. to remind me that tomorrow is the 1st Pom Comp of 2024 😛

As always, it has been a busy time preparing for the start of season. Finalising and learning new routines, training the overwhelming influx of new dancers we have welcomed since the end of season in 2023 and living life in general!

At every training session the girls have worked tirelessly, to be prepared and ready for another successful season and standing on the side line watching leaves me in no doubt that 2024 will see another great year for everyone at the Red Admirals.

To the girls that aren’t going out on their first rodeo tomorrow, continue to do what you love to do. For our new dancers this season, tomorrow will change everything, it will ignite a fire in you that you didn’t know was possible, what is today a hobby will tomorrow become a passion.

Trainers - thank you for your hard work over the last five months, your time and dedication does not go unnoticed and without you none of this would be possible.

Remember, heads held high, shoulders back, feet together, smile and most of all… Enjoy every single second on that arena!

We’ll be seeing you all bright and early in the morning!

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